The climb of a successful actor and businessman : Enzo Zelocchi

The upsurge of a successful actor : Enzo Zelocchi: Many actors have a technique to help them get into character. Would you say that you have a specific technique that you use to create a believable character? Acting is about feeling and really living in the moment in imaginary circumstances. You need to feel your… Continue reading The climb of a successful actor and businessman : Enzo Zelocchi

Categorized as Movies

The rise of strong social media influencer : Enzo Zelocchi

Get to know Enzo Zelocchi and some of his achievements: What can you tell us about your upcoming projects The First Secret and The Source? The Source is ‘The Crow’ meets ‘Mad Max’ with Tim Burton’s touch in a futuristic dimension, with a group of aliens trained to protect the universe and keep the balance… Continue reading The rise of strong social media influencer : Enzo Zelocchi

Categorized as Movies